June 23rd | 

"There's a lot more simple and natural methods we can be trained"

Fertility Nurse

Carley Mansfield

Over the past three decades, countless families have faced the heart-wrenching challenge of infertility. Investigative filmmaker Jaymie Icke is determined to find out why. 

With the help of leading experts, Jaymie explores a range of critical factors—from the advancements in technology and the rise of processed foods to the pervasive impact of stress and diet, and even the controversial discussions surrounding vaccines.  

Each revelation brings him closer to understanding the complex web of influences that could be affecting women's ability to conceive.

'Infertile' is not just a documentary; it's a quest for answers that every family deserves to know. 

Join Jaymie Icke as he sheds light on the hidden truths and sparks a vital conversation about one of the most pressing issues of our time.

Cassie Everett

Homeopath & Natural Fertility Specialist

"Our fertility is declining by 1 % each year, year on year."

Daniella Lawler

Reg. Nutritionist & Writer

"I think everybody probably knows somebody now that's had difficulty conceiving. "


Question Everything

Dr. Christine Northrup

M.D. & Women's Health Pioneer

"The average 21 -year -old man's testosterone levels are lower than a World War II veteran  in his 60s."

Dr. James Thorp

Board Certified M.D

"I can't rule out the possibility of the significant increase in EMF"

Melissa Kupsch

Homeopath & Founder of RMDY Collective

"There's definitely been something extra in the last couple of years that is contributing "

Dr. Wendy Myers

M.D. & Detox Specialist

"You can only assume that there's a brilliant business model involved in making people sick"

Jaclyn Dunne

Nutritionist & Holistic Health Coach

"We are on the cusp of not being able to fall pregnant naturally and that is absolutely terrifying.''

We brought together leading specialists who have dedicated their time and expertise to understanding the complex causes of infertility. 

Beyond the talks we will feature many events that will give you an opportunity to network.

Meet & Greet, Nametags, Swag, Refreshments

Pecha Kucha Customer Presentations (roughly 7 min each)

Key Speaker Critiquing a local Landing Page

Network with other company users to to share best practices, discuss technical questions, network, and ultimately learn & get inspired from each other. 

5:30-6:00 PM

6:00-7:00 PM

7:00-7:10 PM

6:00-7:00 PM






© Copyright 2014 Evento

All talks will be held at the Granville headquarters at Madison 36th, New York City. 


£1.99 For The First Month

Join us on June 16th @ 8:30pm (UK time) for a special live Q&A with experts from the film. 

"We have to define what is food now. Most people are consuming feed"

Dr. Jeremy Ayres

Naturopathic Doctor

We will be live on all the social platforms below:

Join us on June 16th @ 8:30pm (UK time) for a special live Q&A with experts from the film. 

We will be live on all the social platforms below: 



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